At one glance, find out more in our denture comparison about the differences between our denture options, the right maintenance, the treatment longevity and the cost. Please be aware that the last two are estimations; prices and longevity may vary in certain cases.  

Service Appliance Treatment Time Maintenance Results Treatment Longevity
Full Denture 5-6 appointments Clean after meals to remove and prevent stains on denture.

Remove at night, clean and soak in denture care solution.

Can be cleaned through your prosthetist when stains build up heavily.

Esthetically pleasing results are possible Last generally 5-7 years before it needs replacing.

Relining necessary every 2 years.

Partial Denture 2-6 appointments Clean after meals to remove and prevent stains on denture.

Remove at night, clean and soak in denture care product.

Can be cleaned through your prosthetist when stains build up heavily.

Esthetically pleasing results are possible Last generally 5-7 years before it needs replacing.

Relining necessary every 2 years.

Flexible Denture A Flexible Denture moves with you naturally, giving you confidence while talking, eating, and most importantly, smiling! Clean after meals to remove and prevent stains on denture.

Remove at night, clean and soak in denture care product.

Can be cleaned through your prosthetist when stains build up heavily.

Many people consider a Flexible Partial Denture to be the most comfortable option. Very good for aesthetics and temporary denture options. Last generally 1-2 years before it needs replacing.

Flexible dentures cannot be relined.

Immediate Denture Similar to full and partial dentures but may not be able to be tried in. Might go straight from impressions to finish and insert with prosthetist or dentist. Clean after meals to remove and prevent stains on denture.

Remove at night, clean and soak in denture care solution.

Can be cleaned through your prosthetist when stains build up heavily.

To manage resorption and healing after extraction of teeth soft liners are to be placed every 4 weeks and a final reline to be done at 6 months’ time.

Esthetically pleasing results are possible.
Immediate dentures can be unpredictable and in worst case scenarios dentures can be remade at your expense if they are not quite as you expected.
Depending on the level of bone resorption during the 3-6 months of healing time, you may need to get a new denture.

If you have lost a significant amount of bone, and/or aesthetics have not been compromised during the time period, you may be able to reline the immediate denture.

Implant Retained Denture A full denture is made onto the implant abutments in the gum as normal. When processing the denture we include the retention housings which will start with the least retentive and can be replaced when needed. Sometimes impressions need to be taken with the dentist if abutments have been overgrown by tissue etc. to ensure optimum impression. Clean after meals to remove and prevent stains on denture.

Remove at night, clean and soak in denture care solution.

Can be cleaned through your prosthetist when stains build up heavily.

Esthetically pleasing results are possible. Dentures are very functional as they don’t move around when eating. This should always be your first port of call especially for lower dentures. Last generally 5-7 years before it needs replacing.

Relining necessary every 2 years and retention caps might need to be replaced yearly depending on how loose they become.




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